Embedded Systems Operating System 32-bit (ESOS32)


Embedded Systems Operating Systems 32-bit (ESOS32) is a continuation of the line of ESOS operating systems which have include ports for 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers, predominantly the Microchip architectures.

The initial port of ESOS32 is aimed at the ARM-Cortex M4 chips from STMicroelectronics. The first specific target processor is the STM32L452RE processor hosted on the Nucleo64 development board.

This tree contains the foundations for two separate hardware implmentations for the STM32L452RE processor. The first is found in under the stm32l4_HAL folders and is built upon the very feature-rich [hardware abstraction library available from STMicroelectronics (].
The second is found in under the stm32l4_ocm3 folders and is built upon the very lower-level and community developed [libOpenCM3 hardware abstraction library (].


The public repository for ESOS32 is hosted by github. Source code can be found at ESOS32 public repo.

Using this documentation

A good jumping off point in this documentation is to visit the "Modules" page via the link above. This page will give the reader a high-level overview of the major systems and services provided by ESOS32.

As the reader becomes more familiar with ESOS32, then venturing into the structures, macros, and source code is the next step.

Of course, the provided example ESOS32 applications should give great insight into the structure and use of ESOS32.
